Monday, February 11, 2019

Your thoughts on Reading and Writing Part 1

  • "I once was able to create a world in a sentence. Now I stare at an empty page in wonder, pondering what life could come out of it."
  • "I like creative writing, research writing...not so much."
  • "I write more tactfully than I speak. So when I need to deal with a delicate subject, I type it out!"
  • "Reading is extremely hard for me -- I am dyslexic so things move and filter into my brain backwards. My mind also moves words in the sentence and then the sentence doesn't make sense. When I create sentences people do not understand them because they are constructed oddly. They make perfect sense to me!!!"
  • "I am eminently cognizant of the grammatical parameters."
  • "I love writing. Ty Gibson has inspired me with the passion to express my thoughts and feelings about Jesus on paper."
  • "I have a love-hate relationship with writing papers. I like doing research and finding a thesis: you notice that something’s afoot, you hunt for clues, and then comes the “aha moment” whenyou finally solve your mystery and discover your thesis. The process of writing can be quite rewarding, too. Often you discover new questions and answers about your subject as you write. But I often get frustrated with the process of writing. I write very slowly, because I’m a bit of a perfectionist and have a hard time putting words on the page before my thoughts are perfectly formed—even if I know I’ll come back and revise them later. I often feel that I don’t have the time I need to really write well. I stress out worrying that I’m not going to finish my paper by the deadline, and to escape my anxiety, I sometimes procrastinate. Of course, that only makes it all the more likely that my paper will be late. I imagine, however, that when I know I’m writing for an audience, not just a teacher, but a bigger audience, who will be affected by what I write, my anxiety about writing will be overcome by a sense of purpose."
  • "I used to write, a long time ago, not sure why I stopped. But I do want to get back into it someday."
  • "I like reading, especially books that can help me to be more useful in this life and the life to come."
  • "I write short stories, poetry, song lyrics, plays, and musicals. Really, I write almost anything. (Except science and math stuff --that I will never write.)"
  • "I love both, my love of stories has led me to start writing."
So there you are everyone, this was installment 1 of your thoughts on reading and writing. I hope you were able to feel a connection to your fellow humans and writers. Keep on the lookout for part 2!!!

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