Thursday, February 7, 2019

What are YOU able to control?

Things you can control:

Life is crazy and there are a lot of things we have no control over, but there are things that we can control. This is a list of some of the things we can change in our lives. 

-Your beliefs
-Your attitude
-Your thoughts
-Your perspective
-How honest you are
-Who your friends are
-What books you read
-How often you exercise
-The type of food you eat
-How many risks you take
-How kind you are to others
-How you interpret situations
-How kind you are to yourself
-How often you say "I love you"
-How often you say "thank you"
-How you express your feelings
-Whether or not you ask for help
-How often you practice gratitude
-How many times you smile today
-The amount of effort you put forth
-How you spend/invest your money
-How much time you spend worrying
-How often you think about your past
-Whether or not you judge other people
-Whether you try again after a setback
-How much you appreciate the things you have.

Remember, you are always in charge of yourself, and you can make a difference in your life.

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