Saturday, August 29, 2020

Cast all your cares upon Him

 I've had a few songs on my mind this week. They all have the same general theme. 

The first one is 'The Cares Chorus'. "I cast all my cares upon You, I lay all of my burdens upon You, and anytime that I don't know what to do, I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet."

Then my friend Brooke shared a special music she sang called 'Give them all to Jesus'. There are a couple of nice verses, but the chorus I really like. "Give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus. Shattered dreams, wounded hearts, and broken toys. Give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus, and He will turn your sorrows into joy. "

Finally, although this one hasn't been stuck in my head as much..."What's your worry, why the big hurry, I've got all the time in the world. So why don't you let go, of what you can't control, let me take it for you."---All the Time in the World by Matt & Josie Minikus. 

I think God is trying to tell me something. And to share it with you all. So if you have cares, burdens, shattered dreams, pain, or not enough time-- just give it to Jesus, He's got you. Hope you have a carefree week!


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

To be Brave

I watched a movie recently called The Final Days. It was about Sophie and Hans Scholl during World War 2. They were doing their best to help others understand how evil the Nazi propaganda was. They were caught spreading flyers, and when they knew there was no escaping the consequences they stayed strong and tried to get as many people as possible to hear about what was happening to them. They were brave and strong in their faith. Even unto death...
Sophie was 21. She was my age. Hans was 25. Another man executed along with them was a young father. These were young people standing strong for their convictions. They are inspiring to me. I know we have become lazy in the 21st century. We are tied to our devices and there is a certain fear of political conversations on social media. Politics is tricky and no one wants to be dragged into a fight, it is easier to pretend to be politically correct. But I know things are rapidly changing and some things are still wrong. We can't stay silent forever, we must choose which side we are going to be on.
I want to have the kind of faith Sophie and her brother had. I want to stay strong like Abel, Esther, Isaiah and Jeremiah, Daniel and his friends, and Christians through the ages. I want to be firm like those who formed the United States when they broke from England, like those who were involved in resistance during World War 2, and like Martin Luther King Jr. and others who were involved in civil rights movements.
Right now we need to get connected with Jesus as a power source so we will be ready to be brave and strong in our convictions when the time comes. I know, I'm talking to myself here. I don't want to go with the flow. I know who I am and I don't want to be the girl who stays silent in the midst of injustice and wrongdoing. I want to be brave. God help me. Please.

Friday, March 13, 2020

How encouraging someone encourages you

So I have to share this with you all. Last spring I gave some of my friends something special. You see, these friends had been planning to go abroad, graduate, or change their campus the next year. I gave them notes of encouragement for the coming year. Most of the notes included this verse: "Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 

I had no idea how these notes would come back to me. Just last week I got an email from my friend who is in another country as a student missionary. In this country she has to be careful of using certain words having to do with Christianity. So in this excerpt of the email you may see some words changed, that is just for her protection. We've had to be creative and think of new ways to get certain ideas across. 

"Sara, I have to tell you. Last week was my first week of teaching here, and it was really stressful figuring out all the ropes. Tuesday morning, I was really discouraged and downright scared to go back to teach, even though that was totally irrational. I talked with my father and asked him, how on earth am I supposed to bond with my students and make them feel at home in my class when I’m so scared? How will it be possible to become friends with them? And then, your note you gave me last year fell out of the book I was reading: “Do not be afraid, and do not be dismayed…Thank you for being my friend…you can do it!” It brought tears to my eyes when I read that. I taught class that day and the next, and was still nervous, but I survived. Then, on Thursday, the burden of fear was suddenly lifted. So thank you for that note. It made a big difference."

I thought I would share this with you to show how giving notes of encouragement can make a big difference in someone's life, and in yours too. This email was encouraging to me, that I made a difference. If I hadn't given her the note who knows how she would have dealt with that day? She would have but it would have been different for sure. 

She's not the only one. Other friends told me the note has been encouraging to them, although not a particular instance like the one above, but they have been helped. So I want to encourage you to give friends a note every once in awhile. It will make a big difference. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Such Wondrous Love- Poem#4

Here is another poem, not sure what my sister would call it, but this is what I would.

In the arms of my Savior
My Father and Friend
Here I rest, in the middle I pray
All of my troubles at His feet I lay down

His love goes all through me 
Like tea on New Years'
Brighter than sunshine
Yet soft like moonlight

It's warm and it's silky
It's happy this way
Not a joy or a sorrow
With Him I don't share

Through Jesus I'll do it 
Through Jesus alone
Dear God please help me
I can't on my own

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

POEM 3- Sunrise

Delicate little flowers in the morning dew
This bouquet is all for you
full of gold and ocean blue
arranged on a bench just in view

Will you come with me
in the morning dew
then we'll sit on the bench
and enjoy the view

We'll watch the sun rising up
lifting up the veil
opening His bedchamber
from its misty veil

And we will sit there talking
until its time to go
Perhaps we'll have a picnic
or maybe watch a show

But all I know is that today
we'll wish to stay not go

-----written by Miriam Downs 2019

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

POEM 2 - Stars

So, you have been asking for poems. Here's the thing, I am much more of a story writer. Poems aren't the kind of thing I write very often. BUT-- I discovered that my youngest sister has written some great poems! She even wrote one which was entered into a poetry contest, and, while it is uncertain whether she will win or not, the poem is also being included in the 2020 Rising Stars Collection by Appelley Publishing. SO, if any of you want to check that out, let me know. My sister is beating me to getting published! Since she is such a good poet, I am going to include some of her best poems on this blog occasionally.                                                             
                                        Here is one called Stars.

Little points of light
Twinkle in the sky
Like diamonds in the ocean
Or candles from a hill

Their beauty is amazing
Against the dark night sky
They fill my heart with wonder
With awe at all His order and design

God creativity
I know His love
Is fathomless
As is all of this beauty

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Life Update 2020

Guess what! It's a new year and a new month. I know some of you may be wondering what I was up to these last few months. Well, I haven't been attending college because I am saving money to pay off my current loans before I return. College is expensive, if you know what I mean.
Instead of attending college, I have been busy in other ways. Most of my time is filled with working. But in my free time, I have been reading, knitting, and working on Christmas presents. Trying to fill my time so I don't miss my friends too much, many of whom are abroad, but some are still at college. I also try to keep up with everyone who is far away.
On that note, I have a request to make. If you are in the USA, I love getting and writing letters. Handwritten notes would certainly be more desirable than all these loan payment letters I keep getting!
So please, send me a message with your address, if you would like me to send you a letter. If I know you, or if I would like to get to know you better, I will do so. Thank you for your support.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Things I was thankful for in 2019

This last year, I have been writing down one or two things I was thankful for each day. It puts a different perspective on life when you try to find at least one thing to be thankful for every day. Granted, I didn't always remember to do it, but it has still been helpful to me. I thought I would share some of the things I found to remember, and maybe this will encourage you to foster a spirit of thankfulness too.

  • Generous coworkers
  • Memories
  • A break from working at the local grocery store.
  • Having time to finish a knitting project before returning to school.
  • For the Sabbath, a time of rest and time with friends.
  • Safe travels back to school.
  • That I recovered quickly from a sickness.
  • Being in choir with all my friends.
  • Finishing homework quickly.
  • Hiking a mountain and seeing the sun on a cloudy day. Singing around the piano with friends.
  • Prayer group, always lifting me up when I need it.
  • Only one class, my favorite one, choir. Week of Worship blessings.
  • Bible study group on Jacob. Such a blessing to experience with my friends. 
  • Feeling apart of a community.
  • My friends. Trying to never take them for granted.
  • A relaxing time with a good friend.
  • A performance gone well.
  • A wonderful drama production that reminds me of life and its complexity.
  • My small group taking care of me when I'm sick.
  • A great vespers program reminding us of service and all the different ways to serve.
  • Thankful for a day of singing, a game with friends, my sister's birthday.
  • Praise for a friend being able to attend school.
  • Thankful for the joy Jesus gives us! And all the beauty around us. A day to think about God.
  • Spending time with friends on their birthdays, bonding over games, writing on my blog.
  • My blog, and the community that enjoys and is blessed by my writing.
  • For all those who give me writing content for my blog,
  • To live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
  • Singing at vespers with friends.
  • For days where adventures happen. 
  • Lazy days.
  • Thankful for a reminder that everyone is beautiful in their own way and the importance of confidence.
  • For a long weekend.
  • Thankful for a shopping excursion with friends.
  • For organic conversations with my Bible study group.
  • For some older friends meeting my newer friends.
  • To be in a house with a friend.
  • For thoughtful friends.
  • For opportunities to fellowship with others.
  • For conversations over Dutch Blitz. For relaxing drama breaks.
  • To be at a wonderful school.
  • For service opportunities.
  • Thankful for singing and ministering to others.
  • For sunny days and hot showers and naps.
  • For days when plans change.
  • For spring break.
  • Time with friends and beautiful music.
  • Talking to family, being with friends.
  • GYC Northwest. A wonderful blessing. New friends. Cats. Seeing old friends. Choir opportunity. 
  • Fresh beginnings.
  • Birthday surprises for a friend. 
  • My sisters.
  • Celebrating my birthday 3 months early.
  • The promise of heaven.
  • For my mom.
  • School banquet.
  • Seeing some friends from Alaska.
  • Choir tour. 
  • Seeing a friend sing.
  • Strawberry shortcake.
  • Changing my major.
  • Renew in the mountains.
  • Summer. Time with my cousins and sisters.
  • Singing with my family. 
  • A picnic on the beach.
  • My sister's birthday.
  • Seeing an old teacher.
  • Helping with a Vacation Bible School. Showing kids how loved they are. Seeing God's beautiful creation. 
  • Working on sister relationship. 
  • Enjoying my birthday. 
  • Time with God.
  • Celebrating my parents on their birthdays and anniversary.
  • Having adventures. Time with family.
  • Rain stopping the fires. 
  • The chance to give. 
There is so much more I am thankful for, I am truly blessed. I try to remind myself of that each day. For now, I will let you think of ways you can remember how blessed you are.